Zero Liquid Discharge production saves money and protects the environment: H2O GmbH at IFAT

Date: 12/04/2016
Autor: Redacción
Categorías: Other news

The VACUDEST vacuum distillation system is a sustainable industrial wastewater treatment method that allows industrial production operations to protect the environment and save money.

Sustainability is the hot topic of our time. In a world of dwindling natural resources, taking environmental responsibility is absolutely essential. This is why H2O GmbH from Steinen, Germany, is following a vision to achieve a 'wastewater-free future in all industries'. The VACUDEST vacuum distillation system is a sustainable industrial wastewater treatment method that allows industrial production operations to protect the environment and save money. The leaders in zero liquid discharge production at H2O GmbH will be on hand at Booth 147 in Hall A2 at the IFAT trade fair to explain how it works. The world's leading trade fair for the water, wastewater, waste and raw materials industries takes place in Munich from 30 May to 2 June.

Unlike traditional processing methods, the quality of water treated by VACUDEST systems is so high that it can be reused in the production process. This enables zero liquid discharge production and ensures that no residual impurities are released into the environment, while simultaneously saving valuable fresh water resources.

This also drastically minimises disposal costs for wastewater, since the vaporisation of industrial wastewater reduces wastewater volumes by up to 95 per cent. This way, investing in a VACUDEST system pays for itself in less than two years in the majority of cases.

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