BMW Group Opened an Advanced Paint Shop at New Debrecen Plant

Date: 03/09/2024
photo of a painted car inside new Hungarian paint shop of BMW along with its staff

The BMW Group's new paint shop at the Debrecen plant operates entirely on renewable electricity, eliminating fossil fuels and using advanced technologies such as eRTO for exhaust purification and eco-friendly dry separation to significantly reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint while boosting automation and efficiency.

BMW Group has officially launched its cutting-edge paint shop at the new plant in Debrecen (Hungary) – thus marking a significant milestone as this advanced facility is the first to operate entirely without fossil fuels by embodying the principles of the BMW iFACTORY.

Key Features of the Debrecen Paint Shop:

  • Fossil Fuel-Free Operations: The paint shop uses innovative technologies such as power-to-heat and Heat Grid as well as eRTO to eliminate the need for natural gas. All ovens and painting processes run on electricity sourced exclusively from renewable energy, drastically reducing the facility's carbon footprint.
  • Enhanced Energy Efficiency: The Heat Grid project integrates a large, multivalent storage boiler that captures and reuses waste heat from various processes. This system achieves up to a 10% reduction in energy consumption by operating at lower temperatures and preheating water for ventilation systems.
  • Advanced Exhaust Purification: The eRTO (electric regenerative thermal oxidation) process purifies exhaust air at temperatures of 800-1,000 °C using only electricity. This high-efficiency system ensures that solvent residues are burned off effectively, retaining heat within the system for improved energy performance.
  • Eco-Friendly Dry Separation: The paint shop employs modern dry separation technology to filter out paint overspray using limestone powder, minimising water use and allowing the facility to operate with up to 90% recirculating air to significantly cut the energy consumption. Moreover, the used stone powder is recycled, reducing waste.
  • State-of-the-Art Automation and Digitalisation: The facility features fully automated driverless AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) for efficient transport of car bodies and Automated Surface Inspection (AOI) that uses AI to detect and address coating irregularities. Virtual planning and training processes have streamlined construction and preparation.

So, with a production capacity of 30 vehicle bodies/hour and potential for future expansion, the new paint shop occupies a three-story, 33,000m2 space. As BMW Group's first technology to go live at the Debrecen plant, this facility sets a new standard for sustainable and efficient automotive manufacturing.