GMA Garnet Group Opened a New Malaysian Distribution Hub for the Asia-Pacific Region

Date: 19/06/2024
Categorias: Corporativo
The garnet mine of GMA in Port Gregory

The new Malaysian distribution hub will allow GMA to meet the increasing demand for industrial garnet abrasives in the region.

GMA Garnet Group has recently announced that it has opened a new distribution hub in Port Klang (Malaysia) that will allow the company to strengthen its strategic expansion and meet the increasing demand for industrial garnet abrasives in the Asia-Pacific region by ensuring timely product delivery and providing local customer services.

“The new distribution hub in Malaysia represents a significant milestone for GMA: its location strengthens our supply chain capabilities, demonstrating our commitment to meeting the growing demands of the Asia-Pacific region and enhancing our ability to meet the needs of our customers, efficiently and reliably,” has stated Grant Cox, the CEO of GMA Garnet Group.

At the beginning of June, GMA delivered its first bulk shipment to the new facility directly from its mine in Port Gregory (Western Australia). The Malaysian centre has met all quality assurance measures and will begin shipping products to customers by the end of the month.

“Our new fully stocked facility will ensure excellent service and fast shipping for our clients in the Asia-Pacific region. It will reinforce the focus of GMA on customer satisfaction, superior garnet quality and industry-leading quality control processes,” has added Flynn Cowan, the general manager for Sales & Marketing at GMA. “This new distribution and packaging hub allows us to streamline our processes, maintaining the high standards of quality and reliability that GMA is known for globally.”