"Good Lack" – Industry Partner Since 1937

Date: 13/02/2017
Categorias: Outras notícias

Rembrandtin celebrates 80-years success story.

The Rembrandtin Lack GmbH Nfg. KG is one of the leading coating producers of the European industry. The company has decades of experience particularly in the areas of heat-resistant systems, protective coatings, zinc flake coatings, road marking materials, core plate varnishes, and railway coatings, and is the driving force behind many innovations in the industry. About 35 % of the staff work in research and development and constantly develop new energy-efficient, environmentally friendly high-tech coatings. This very commitment is one of the many secrets to the success of the company. This year, Rembrandtin celebrates its 80th anniversary.

For 80 years, the name Rembrandtin has been standing - almost as a matter of course – for top quality coatings and first-class services within the coatings industry. Above average commitment, highest quality, innovative power, and team spirit are the major factors for today's success of the company, which has been accompanied and shaped by Hubert Culik for 50 years. The visionary used his ambition not only to advance the success story of Rembrandtin but also to improve the image of the entire industry.

Hubert Culik was Board Member of CEPE (the European Coatings Association) for 6 years, and today he is President of the Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology, Chairman of the Chemical Industry Association and CEO of the Helios Group. Rembrandtin is part of the Helios Group which ranks among the top ten companies of the European coatings industry and will soon belong to one of the largest coating companies worldwide. On 6 December last year, the share purchase agreement was signed with Kansai Paint Co. Ltd., the new strategic partner of the Helios Group. Helios will become the European center of Kansai Paint for R&D as well as innovations and company development. Rembrandtin will play an important role within this Group.

During the last eight decades, Rembrandtin has developed into a specialist for high-tech coatings in the most different industrial sectors meeting tomorrow's requirements already today. The latest coatings technologies such as high solids, water-borne and UV-curing combined with nanotechnology are an integral part of this development. The use of nanoparticles enhances coating systems with additional functions such as barrier effect, high scratch resistance, insulating and deflecting functions as well as other special properties.

The tailor-made and environmentally compatible industrial coating systems of the Austrian traditional company are applied worldwide and have a large number of international certifications.

Rembrandtin Coatings has been focusing for decades on effective environment protection. The company is a pioneer within the chemical industry with regard to environment protection documented by a number of awards. Continuous improvement processes, the optimization of internal environment protection as well as occupational and plant safety help increase this strength constantly.

The integrated management system for quality, environment and safety is implemented actively by management and all employees. Rembrandtin Lack is audited and certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, Responsible Care and EMAS.

Dietmar Jost, Managing Director of Rembrandtin Lack GmbH Nfg. KG, is certain: "The combination of experience and the willingness to try out new things will lead to new development opportunities and international growth potentials for Rembrandtin also in the future."

For further information: www.rembrandtin.com