November in review

Date: 11/12/2020
Categorias: ipcm

A (yet another) record month.

At ipcm® we have always strongly believed in the potential of digital tools. This is demonstrated by the many projects implemented in recent years and those already in the works for 2021.

From the complete redesign of the ipcm® website to a very interesting project that we are unveiling day after day through our social channels, up to the development of a new editorial calendar that will revolutionize the communication of our Instagram feed, with specific content suitable for the target of this social network - digital is an integral part of the ipcm® strategy and tools.

However, there is one thing that no digital tool can ever replace: the feeling of having a 248-page magazine in our hands, which is the result of great commitment and synergy of the ipcm® team but also of all those who have lent their time, allowing us to visit their companies and discover new technologies to show to our readers.

This is the case of the November issue of ipcm®, the special on ACE and off-road vehicles, which set yet another record in terms of page number and richness, also and above all of content. These are pages that give us the image of a dynamic industry which has focused on "doing" rather than "fearing". An industry that has invented new ways to keep doing something old: producing, selling, and innovating.

The teamwork did not stop there: in November we published also the new editions of ipcm® Ibérica and ipcm® LatinoAmérica, our magazines published in Spanish and Portuguese, which were equally rich of success stories and innovation.

This month was also dedicated to defining the media partnerships with sector fairs for the new year, which you will find in the 2021 trade fairs and events calendar that we are currently working on. Next year will certainly not be easy for the event industry. However, we found a strong will to restart as shown by the use of digital tools that will still guarantee the opportunity to keep meeting (albeit virtually), networking and staying updated on the latest of the sector.