Rainier van Roessel is the New Chairman of the Supervisory Board of LANXESS

Date: 27/05/2024
Categorias: Corporativo
A photo of Rainier van Roessel

The new Chairman of LANXESS' Supervisory Board will strengthen the company's position in the international chemicals market.

LANXESS AG has recently announced that Rainier van Roessel is the new Chairman of the company's Supervisory Board, succeeding Matthias Wolfgruber. Rainier van Roessel has more than 35 years of experience in the chemicals industry and has worked for LANXESS AG since its foundation in 2004, where he served as Labour Director and member of the Board of Directors since 2007.

“In recent years, we have consistently transformed LANXESS in the direction of specialty chemicals. In its current structure, the company has enormous potential for success. In the current crisis, LANXESS has taken early and courageous countermeasures. We are therefore well on the way to picking up speed again as soon as the markets recover. I look forward to accompanying the Group on this path as Chairman of the Supervisory Board,” has commented Rainier van Roessel.

“I am delighted that Rainier van Roessel will succeed me as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. LANXESS is currently operating in an economic environment characterized by a weak global economy for the chemical industry. In these exceptionally difficult times, personnel continuity and a profound knowledge of the chemical industry have top priority in succession planning,” has stated Matthias Wolfgruber.