Valde Steel: the corrosion resistance guarantee for powder coated steel surfaces

Date: 28/02/2017
Categorias: Outras notícias

Valspar developed new powder coatings which are in accordance with the Qualisteelcoat specifications based on UNI EN ISO 12944-1 up to Category 5.

Corrosion is a major challenge for the industrial paints and coating sector because it is directly responsible for the quality degradation of products over time. The coating product therefor must adapt to the complexity and variety of materials used in the industry and in particular assure protection of edges that tend to accumulate less coating compared to flat surfaces.

In order to promote and ensure the quality of service, Valspar has developed new powder coatings which are in accordance with the Qualisteelcoat specifications based on UNI EN ISO 12944-1 up to Category 5, the highest category of corrosion resistance. The paints of this category do not only guarantee corrosion resistance in ambience conditions with permanent condensation and high pollution, but also in challenging outdoor environments such as coastal and marine zones with high salinity (Fig. 2).

To obtain an anti-corrosion powder coating with Qualisteelcoat certified Valde Steel, a traditional process consisting of pretreatment, primer and a topcoat is applied (Fig. 3).

The pretreatment can be applied mechanically through sandblasting or chemically by phosphating in compliance with EN 13438 standards and subsequent passivation for both steel and galvanized steel. The Valde Prime base coat was developed to provide excellent edge coverage. Inverpul powder-based topcoat is a Qualicoat Class 1 certified polyester-hydroxyalkylamide based, which can be glossy, satin, matt or textured. Qualisteelcoat is an organization committed to maintaining and promoting the quality of topcoat and steel surface coating (

For further information :

INVER Spa con socio unico company in MyIpcm Directory of industrial coatings and surface treatments technologies suppliers: INVER Spa con socio unico

Authors: Emma Berteloot e Christian Lucano, Valspar