Flexible Bvl Cleaning System Ensures Cost Efficiency

Date: 22/03/2018
Categories: Other news

Reliable cleanliness without set-up work for gearbox parts

A Spanish supplier for a large German gearbox manufacturer requires a further cleaning system for a new project. The cleaning requirements for the six different and complex aluminium die-cast parts from the automobile sector are very demanding. On the basis of the positive experience that the company has already had with the BvL cleaning system, this project has once again been realised in collaboration with the experienced Emsbüren-based manufacturer and the Spanish partner Edeltec of Barcelona.

Perfect accuracy of fit thanks to universal fixing A NiagaraDFS basket washing system from BvL forms the basis of the new cleaning solution, which has been equipped with a specially designed retainer in the basket seating. This universal system allows individual parts handling without additional set-up work. The production of six different workpiece holders at BvL means that the basket seating delivers absolute accuracy of fit for the various die-cast components. Replacement of the workpiece holders and components with those from the previously supplied first system is also possible without much set-up work.

Reliable cleaning for various components After the components have been automatically loaded and fed in via a roller conveyor, the loaded workpiece holder is moved into the cleaning chamber. A combination of spraying, flooding and ultrasound processes ensures a thorough washing and rinsing process in accordance with the preset parameters. The cleaning agent concentration is checked and automatically topped up by the Libelle Cleaner Control bath monitor in conjunction with the cleaner management smart cleaning function. This ensures that the bath is always of the required quality and that the process is permanently monitored. The process values are also continuously documented with the aid of the Libelle Data Control, so that any change can be retraced and comprehended.

Efficient drying and short cycle times Following the cleaning process, the loaded workpiece holders are moved out and transported to the Nevada external vacuum dryer. This results in an efficient cleaning and drying process with short cycle times.